Image: Below-knee amputee with an external pulse generator (EPG) of the saphenous nerve at the mid-thigh and sciatic nerve proximal to the popliteal crease after permanent implantation of peripheral nerve stimulators (PNS) for the respective nerves Description:...
Image: Radiograph of an infero-lateral genicular nerve permanent peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS) implant in a patient s/p total knee arthroplasty. Description: 74-year-old, female, presents with chronic knee pain after total knee arthroplasty. Thermal radiofrequency...
Image: External pulse generator (Left); Hip joint radiograph demonstrates a dynamic hip screw and a permanent femoral peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS) implant. Description: 72-year-old, female, presented 2 months after open reduction and internal fixation of a neck...
Image: Above knee amputee with an external pulse generator in the groin (Left): Hip joint with a permanent peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS) and a femoral vascular stent Description: 58 year-old, male, presented a year after an above knee amputation for peripheral...
Image: External Pulse Generator in the Right Scapular area (Left); Permanent suprascapular peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS) alongside total shoulder replacement (right) Description: 60 year-old female, presents with chronic shoulder pain and limited range of motion...