Recognition by ASPSP as a Board Member

Being a Board Member gives you and your practice credibility inside the membership and in the public. You will be a stand-out member with the backing of ASPSP’s ability to manage post-surgical pain in the best possible way.

Nomination For The Board Of Directors

I am applying for the following position(s) among the ASPSP Board of Directors(Required)
If you have trouble uploading documents, please send a Statement of Purpose (why you want to be on the board), current CV, professional picture to
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Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Please read the following information carefully. Sign below to declare your candidacy and acceptance of the terms in this section of the application. The Council shall consider matters to be presented to the Society-at-Large. The Council shall act as a membership committee and shall recommend candidates for election, according to the procedure outlined in Article III. All resolutions shall be referred to the Executive Council and shall be presented to the Society for vote upon recommendation of the Council. The Council shall exercise the full powers of the Society in the interim between meetings, except that it may not elect members, elect officers, or amend the Constitution and By-Laws. The Council shall report its actions taken under By-Law, and the deliberations leading thereto, to the Society prior to the next annual meeting.
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